20 Killer Follow-up Emails That Turn Meetings into Money

Struggling to write impactful follow-up emails after meetings? We've got you covered! Discover 20 winning templates for sales, networking, & internal meetings, PLUS bonus tips to craft emails that get results. Boost your post-meeting success today!

Written by
Andre Smith
Updated On
July 5, 2024


Remember that meeting with the potential client? You presented your heart out, answered every question with brilliance, and left feeling the spark of a promising partnership. Days turned into weeks, and the only sound in your inbox was tumbleweeds echoing. No "Thank you," no "Let's discuss further," just radio silence – the dreaded ghosting email.

Ouch. We've all been there, victims of the unfollowed-up meeting, a missed opportunity haunting our inboxes. But fear not, fellow professionals! The power to exorcise these ghoulish communications lies in a simple tool: the mighty follow-up email.

This isn't just about politeness (though a little etiquette goes a long way). Think of a well-crafted follow-up as your secret weapon to:

  • Build rapport: Keep the conversation flowing, show your continued interest, and solidify that first impression.
  • Drive progress: Reiterate key points, clarify next steps, and nudge the momentum forward.
  • Seal the deal: Secure buy-in, address lingering concerns, and turn "maybes" into resounding "yesses."

So, ditch the fear of follow-up fatigue and dive into our Top 20 Followup Emails After Meetings. We've got a template for every scenario, from networking introductions to brainstorming sessions, client pitches to team debriefs. No more ghosting, no more awkward gaps, just clear communication, actionable steps, and results you can celebrate.

Prepare to conquer your inbox and take control of your professional interactions. Buckle up, and let's exorcise those email ghosts together!

Follow-Up Finesse: Mastering the Art of the Post-Meeting Email

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we're about to dive into the nitty-gritty of exceptional follow-up emails. Before we unleash the template arsenal, let's polish our weapons with some essential best practices:

Timing is everything: Strike while the iron's hot! Ideally, send your follow-up within 24 hours of the meeting, while details are still fresh. If longer is unavoidable, a brief explanation helps.

Subject line siren song: Lure your audience in! Craft clear, concise subjects that sum up the meeting's purpose and pique curiosity. "Following up on our [meeting topic] discussion" works wonders.

Personalize, personalize, personalize! Show you actually remember the person and the conversation. Reference specific points or shared interests to build rapport.

Tone's the tune: Keep it professional yet friendly. Don't be robotic, but avoid informality that undermines your message. Confidence and courtesy are key.

Actionable steps on parade: Don't leave your audience wondering what's next. Clearly outline next steps, assign ownership, and set deadlines. Clarity is king!

Resource nuggets to the rescue: Offer additional materials like PDFs, articles, or links that deepen understanding or reinforce key points. Show you're a helpful partner.

Jargon be gone!: Speak plainly. Technical jargon might impress parrots, but it alienates humans. Use clear, concise language everyone can understand.

The call to action, the grand finale: Tell your audience what you want them to do next. Schedule a call, propose next steps, or simply request confirmation. Make it easy to respond.

Pro tip alert! Keep your emails concise. Nobody wants to read a novella in their inbox. Aim for two to three paragraphs, max.

By following these simple guidelines, you'll transform your follow-up emails from afterthoughts to strategic communication powerhouses. Now, let's unleash those powerful templates and start conquering inboxes!

Top 20 Follow-Up Templates: Conquer Every Scenario Like a Pro!

1. The Introduction Charmer:

  • Meeting a new client for the first time.
  • Goal: Solidify first impression, reiterate key points, and propose next steps.

Subject: Great to connect! Following up on our [meeting topic] discussion.

Hi [Client Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you on [date] and discussing [shared interest/pain point]. Your insights on [specific point] were particularly valuable, and I especially appreciated your [positive comment].

As promised, I've attached the [resource mentioned] for your reference. I'm confident that [your service/product] can [address client's pain point] and achieve [desired outcome].

Would you be interested in scheduling a [call/meeting] next week to delve deeper into how we can tailor our solutions to your needs?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works: Personalizes the experience, reiterates key points, offers value through resources, and proposes a clear next step.

Pitfall: Avoid sounding pushy or overeager. Let the client guide the pace.

2. The Brainstorm Catalyst:

  • Following up after a brainstorming session.
  • Goal: Capture ideas, assign action items, and schedule follow-up.

Subject: Let's keep the [meeting topic] fire burning!

Hi team,

What a productive brainstorming session yesterday! I'm buzzing with the amazing ideas we generated for [project/goal]. To keep the momentum going, I've summarized our key takeaways and next steps below:


  • [List key ideas with initials of who proposed them]

Action Items:

  • [Action 1]: Owner: [Person responsible] by [Deadline]
  • [Action 2]: Owner: [Person responsible] by [Deadline]
  • [Repeat for additional actions]

Please review this email and add any missing ideas or action items. Let's schedule a quick follow-up next week to discuss progress and refine our plan.

Thanks everyone for your brilliant contributions!


[Your Name]

Why it works: Keeps everyone on the same page, assigns ownership, and sets clear deadlines.

3. The Team Player:

  • Checking in on action items after a team meeting.
  • Goal: Ensure progress, offer support, and identify roadblocks.

Subject: Checking in on [meeting topic] action items!

Hi team,

Just following up on the action items we discussed during our meeting on [date] regarding [project/goal]. How are things progressing?

  • [Action 1]: [Status update from person responsible]
  • [Action 2]: [Status update from person responsible]
  • [Repeat for additional actions]

If anyone is facing any roadblocks or needs assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help in any way I can.

Let's schedule a brief check-in next week to ensure we're on track.


[Your Name]

Why it works: Shows proactive leadership, fosters open communication, and identifies potential issues early.

4. The Feedback Seeker:

  • Requesting feedback after a presentation.
  • Goal: Gather insights, improve future presentations, and demonstrate openness to feedback.

Subject: Your feedback on my [presentation topic] presentation?

Hi [Name],

Thank you for attending my presentation on [topic] yesterday. I hope you found the information insightful and valuable.

I'm always looking for ways to improve my presentation skills, and your feedback would be greatly appreciated. What resonated with you the most? Were there any areas that could be clearer or more engaging?

Please feel free to reply to this email or schedule a quick call to share your thoughts.

Thank you for your time and valuable insights.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works: Shows humility, demonstrates a willingness to learn, and opens a dialogue for improvement.

5. The Reschedule Rebound:

  • Dealing with a missed connection or a rescheduled meeting.
  • Goal: Reschedule efficiently, reconfirm importance, and maintain a positive relationship.

Subject: Rescheduling our [meeting topic] discussion

Hi [Name],

I apologize for missing our meeting on [original date] due to [brief explanation]. I was really looking forward to connecting with you about [meeting topic].

Would you be available to reschedule next week on [list several potential days and times]? Please let me know which timeframe works best for you.

In the meantime, feel free to [offer to send any relevant materials or answer any initial questions]. I'm still very interested in exploring [mention key point from the original meeting agenda].

Thanks for your understanding, and I look forward to rescheduling soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Briefly explains the missed connection without dwelling on negatives.
  • Offers multiple rescheduling options to accommodate the other person's schedule.
  • Reaffirms the importance of the meeting and offers to provide additional information.
  • Maintains a positive and professional tone.

6. The Networking Navigator:

  • Following up after a networking event.
  • Goal: Reintroduce yourself, solidify the connection, and explore potential mutual benefit.

Subject: Nice to meet you at [event name]!

Hi [Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at [event name] on [date]. I particularly enjoyed our conversation about [shared interest/topic]. Your insights on [specific point] were fascinating, and I especially appreciated your [positive comment].

As promised, I've attached my [business card/portfolio/relevant resource] for your reference. I'd love to stay connected and explore ways we can potentially collaborate in the future.

Would you be interested in connecting on [LinkedIn/other platform] or grabbing a quick coffee in the coming weeks?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Makes personal reference to a specific conversation at the event.
  • Offers value by sharing relevant resources.
  • Proposes clear next steps for further connection.

7. The Proposal Polisher:

  • Following up after submitting a proposal.
  • Goal: Reiterate the value proposition, address potential concerns, and express continued interest.

Subject: Following up on our [proposal topic] proposal

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to follow up on the proposal I submitted on [date] for [project/initiative].

Since our initial discussion, I've carefully considered your feedback and made some revisions to [mention specific sections updated]. I believe the revised proposal addresses your concerns and further demonstrates how [your solution/service] can significantly [address key benefit].

I'm confident that [your company/service] is the perfect partner to help you achieve [desired outcome]. Would you be available for a call next week to discuss the proposal in more detail and answer any remaining questions you may have?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Shows responsiveness to feedback and willingness to adapt.
  • Reiterates the key benefits and addresses potential concerns proactively.
  • Proposes a call to action for further discussion.

8. The Client Champion:

  • Checking in with a client after a successful project.
  • Goal: Express appreciation, gather feedback, and maintain relationship for future opportunities.

Subject: Just checking in after [project name]

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. It's been a pleasure working with you on [project name], and I'm thrilled with the successful outcome. I'm particularly proud of [mention specific project achievement].

Would you be willing to share your feedback on the project's execution and how we met your expectations? Your insights are invaluable to us and help us constantly improve our services.

Additionally, I'd love to stay connected and explore potential future collaborations. Please feel free to reach out if you have any new projects or initiatives in mind.

Thank you once again for your trust and partnership.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Expresses sincere gratitude and highlights project successes.
  • Requests valuable feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Maintains an open door for future collaborations.

9. The Team Cheerleader:

  • Celebrating a team milestone or achievement.
  • Goal: Boost morale, recognize contributions, and maintain team spirit.

Subject: High five, team!

Hey everyone,

Let's give ourselves a huge round of applause for accomplishing [team milestone/achievement]! We worked hard, collaborated effectively, and delivered outstanding results. I'm incredibly proud of each and every one of you.

[Insert specific examples of individual contributions and successes.]

Your dedication and teamwork were truly inspiring, and I couldn't be happier to be part of such a talented group. Let's keep this momentum going!

To celebrate, I've planned [a team activity/reward] on [date and time]. Please join me as we raise a toast to our success!

Once again, thank you for all your hard work. You're all rockstars!


[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Recognizes collective achievement and highlights individual contributions.
  • Boosts team morale and fosters continued motivation.
  • Creates a sense of appreciation and belonging within the team.

10. The Feedback Facilitator:

Requesting feedback on a recent presentation or workshop.Goal: Gather constructive feedback, identify areas for improvement, and enhance future learning experiences.Subject: Your Insights Wanted: [Presentation/Workshop Topic] Feedback

Hi everyone,

Thank you for attending my [presentation/workshop] on [topic] last [day of the week]. I hope you found the information valuable and engaging.

Your feedback is crucial for me to continuously improve and tailor future learning experiences to your needs. I'd be grateful if you could share your thoughts on the following:

What resonated with you most from the [presentation/workshop]?Were there any aspects you found unclear or could have been explored further?What additional topics or resources would you be interested in seeing in future sessions?Please feel free to reply to this email with your feedback, or if you prefer, we can schedule a quick individual chat. Your anonymous input is appreciated and will be used solely for improvement purposes.

Thank you for your time and valuable insights. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

Shows openness to feedback and a desire to learn and improve.Provides specific prompts to guide feedback responses.Assures anonymity and confidentiality to encourage honest feedback.Expresses genuine appreciation for participants' time and input.

11. The Missed Invitation Maestro:

Following up after missing a meeting or event.Goal: Apologize sincerely, offer explanation (optional), and reschedule or propose alternative engagement.Subject: My apologies for missing [Meeting/Event Name]

Hi [Name],

Please accept my sincere apologies for missing our meeting/event on [Date] regarding [Topic]. Unfortunately, [Brief explanation if appropriate, e.g., unexpected illness/urgent work conflict].

I'm incredibly disappointed to have missed [Highlight key aspect of meeting/event]. Would you be willing to share your key takeaways or any valuable resources discussed?

Moving forward, I'd love to stay connected and explore ways to participate in future discussions. Would you be interested in [Reschedule the meeting/Suggest an alternative engagement, e.g., phone call, quick coffee]?

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to reconnecting soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

Offers a sincere apology and avoids excuses.Shows continued interest and proposes alternative engagement options.Maintains a positive and professional tone.

12. The Referral Rekindler:

Following up on a referral after they haven't contacted the recipient.Goal: Gently remind them, offer assistance, and express continued support.Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to follow up on the referral I mentioned to you for [Company/Individual] and [Desired service/opportunity].

I understand finding the right fit can take time, and I wanted to check if you've had a chance to connect with [Recipient Name]. If you haven't already, I'd be happy to share their contact information again or even facilitate an initial introduction.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need any further assistance with the referral process. I'm confident that [Company/Individual] can truly benefit [Recipient Name] in their [Goal/Challenge].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

Gently reminds without being pushy.Offers additional support and facilitates connection if needed.Shows continued interest and belief in the referral's value.**

13. The Interview:

Following up after a job interview.Goal: Reiterate interest, express gratitude, and showcase continued enthusiasm.Subject: Thank you for the interview at [Company Name]

Dear [Interviewer Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the [Job Title] position on [Date]. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation about [Specific point discussed] and learning more about [Company/Team/Role].

Your insights into [Aspect of the company/role] were particularly valuable, and I'm even more convinced that my skills and experience in [Mention relevant skills] would be a valuable asset to your team.

My enthusiasm for [Company/Team/Role] remains strong, and I'm confident that I can make a significant contribution to your [Company goals/Challenges]. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you require any further information or have any additional questions.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

Expresses sincere gratitude and reiterates interest in the position.Showcases specific skills and highlights their relevance to the role.Leaves a positive impression and encourages further communication.

14. The Client Onboarding Champion:

Following up with a new client after onboarding.Goal: Ensure smooth transition, offer support, and demonstrate continued commitment.Subject: Welcome aboard, [Client Name]!

Hi [Client Name],

It's a pleasure to officially welcome you to [Company Name]! We're thrilled to have you on board and excited to partner with you on [Project/Initiative].

I hope your onboarding experience has been smooth and informative. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with any aspect of your new role. We're here to support you every step of the way.

To ensure a seamless transition, I've attached a helpful resource guide outlining key contacts, processes, and frequently asked questions. I've also scheduled a follow-up call next week on [Date/Time] to discuss your progress and any initial feedback you may have.

We're confident that this partnership will be mutually beneficial, and we look forward to a successful collaboration.

Welcome to the team!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Welcomes the client warmly and expresses confidence in the partnership.
  • Offers ongoing support and proactive follow-up to address any concerns.
  • Sets the stage for a positive and productive collaboration.

15. The Collaborative Catalyst:

Following up with a potential collaborator after an initial discussion.Goal: Reiterate the potential of collaboration, suggest next steps, and express continued optimism.Subject: Sparking Synergy: Next Steps for Our Collaboration

Hi [Name],

Following up on our exciting conversation about [Collaboration topic] on [Date], I'm even more energized by the potential synergies we could create together. Your insights on [Specific point discussed] were particularly insightful, and I believe our combined expertise could truly [Desired outcome of collaboration].

As we discussed, [Summarize key next steps/action points]. I've already started [Mention any initial steps taken] and am eager to hear your progress on [Partner's area of action].

Perhaps we could schedule a follow-up call next week to further refine our collaboration strategy and brainstorm concrete implementation plans? I'm available on [Suggest dates and times].

Thank you again for your valuable time and enthusiasm. I'm confident that together, we can make this collaboration a resounding success.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

Builds on the momentum of the initial discussion.Suggests clear next steps and demonstrates initiative.Expresses enthusiasm and confidence in the collaboration's potential.

16. The Feedback Alchemist:

  • Following up after receiving feedback.
  • Goal: Express appreciation, clarify any uncertainties, and demonstrate commitment to improvement.

Subject: Thank you for your valuable feedback on [Subject]

Hi [Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your insightful feedback on [Subject]. I truly appreciate your honest words and constructive suggestions.

I particularly found your feedback on [Specific point] most helpful. It clarified [Mention area of understanding] and highlighted a potential issue/improvement opportunity I hadn't considered before.

To ensure I fully understand your feedback, could you please clarify [Specific question about feedback]? Your further elaboration will be invaluable in making necessary adjustments.

I'm committed to continuously improving, and your feedback is crucial in this process. I'm already working on [Mention specific actions taken in response to feedback].

Thank you again for your valuable input. Please don't hesitate to provide further feedback in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Expresses sincere appreciation for feedback.
  • Shows engagement by asking clarifying questions.
  • Demonstrates commitment to improvement with concrete actions.

17. The Deadline Diplomat:

  • Rescheduling a deadline with grace and clarity.
  • Goal: Inform about a necessary change, explain the reason, and propose a feasible alternative.

Subject: Update on Deadline for [Project/Task]

Hi [Name],

I'm writing to discuss the deadline for [Project/Task]. Due to [Brief explanation for delay, e.g., unforeseen technical issue/client request], I anticipate needing an extension of [Number] days.

I understand this may cause inconvenience, and I deeply apologize for any disruption. I've already completed [Highlight progress made] and remain fully committed to delivering high-quality work.

Therefore, I propose a new deadline of [Revised deadline]. To minimize impact, I've adjusted the remaining timeline as follows [ Briefly outline revised schedule].

Please let me know if this revised deadline works for you. I'm available to discuss further if needed.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Provides upfront communication about the delay.
  • Explains the reason clearly and shows accountability.
  • Proposes a solution with a revised timeline and demonstrates consideration for the recipient.

18. The Appreciation Advocate:

  • Expressing gratitude to a colleague or team member.
  • Goal: Boost morale, recognize contributions, and strengthen team spirit.

Hi [Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for your [Specific contribution, e.g., dedication/creativity/support] on [Project/Task]. Your [Positive attribute, e.g., hard work/problem-solving skills/teamwork] was truly invaluable, and it wouldn't have been the same without you.

I particularly admired how you [Specific example of their contribution and impact]. Your efforts truly made a difference in [Highlight outcome achieved].

Thanks to your incredible contributions, we were able to [Positive result achieved]. I feel incredibly fortunate to have you as a teammate, and I look forward to collaborating with you on future projects.

Thank you again for everything!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Personalizes the appreciation with specific details.
  • Highlights the impact of their contribution and celebrates shared success.
  • Fosters a positive and supportive team environment.

19. The Missed Connection Master:

  • Reconnecting with a previously lost contact.
  • Goal: Rekindle the connection, apologize for lost touch, and explore potential reengagement.

Subject: Reconnecting with you, [Name]!

Hi [Name],

Hope this email finds you well. I realize it's been a while since we last connected, and I wanted to reach out and apologize for letting that happen.

I truly enjoyed our previous discussions/collaboration on [Previous connection point, e.g., project/event]. Your insights on [Specific topic] were incredibly valuable, and I've always admired your [Positive attribute, e.g., expertise/enthusiasm/perspectives].

I'm currently working on [Brief update on your current work/interests], and I couldn't help but think of you and your [Relevant expertise/skills]. Would you be open to reconnecting over a quick coffee/call in the coming weeks? I'd love to catch up and explore potential ways we could collaborate again in the future.

No pressure at all if you're too busy, but I genuinely look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Acknowledges the lapsed connection without dwelling on negativity.
  • Rekindles the connection through shared memories and interests.
  • Proposes a low-pressure way to reconnect and explore future collaboration.

20. The Referral Rockstar:

  • Following up after recommending someone for a job or opportunity.
  • Goal: Showcase continued support, offer assistance, and express confidence in the candidate.

Subject: Checking in on [Candidate Name]'s application for [Job/Position]

Hi [Hiring Manager Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to follow up on my recommendation of [Candidate Name] for the [Job/Position] position.

As we discussed, [Candidate Name] possesses a strong skillset in [Relevant skills] and a proven track record of success in [Previous experience]. Their [Specific qualities] would be a valuable asset to your team, and I'm confident they would excel in this role.

I understand the hiring process can take time, but I wanted to reiterate my strong endorsement of [Candidate Name]. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need any further information from me.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing an update soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works:

  • Reaffirms confidence in the candidate and highlights their strengths.
  • Offers continued support and assistance in the hiring process.
  • Shows commitment to the successful placement of the candidate.

With these 20 diverse follow-up templates, you're now equipped to navigate any professional situation with grace, clarity, and effectiveness. Remember to personalize each template with specific details and adapt the tone to suit your audience and purpose.

May your follow-up emails always land their mark and pave the way for successful connections, collaborations, and opportunities!


Feeling lost in the follow-up limbo? Fear not! This guide has equipped you with 20 versatile templates to tackle any professional situation, from networking events to missed deadlines. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie navigating the corporate jungle, mastering the art of follow-up emails is key to building relationships, securing opportunities, and boosting your career success.

Key takeaways:

  • Personalize is key: Adapt each template to your specific audience and purpose.
  • Clarity is king: Be clear about your message and desired outcome.
  • Action speaks louder: Propose next steps and make it easy for the recipient to respond.
  • Appreciation matters: Show gratitude and acknowledge contributions.
  • Confidence is contagious: Believe in your value and communicate it effectively.

Master the follow-up game and unlock your professional potential:

  • Subscribe to our blog: Get more productivity hacks and communication tips delivered straight to your inbox.
  • Share your success stories: Leave a comment below and tell us how these templates helped you achieve your goals.
  • Spread the word: Share this guide with your colleagues and network, helping them conquer their follow-up woes too.

Remember, follow-up emails are not just about getting things done; they're about building bridges, fostering connections, and leaving a lasting impression. So, take advantage of these templates, refine your communication skills, and watch your professional journey flourish!

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