ScreenApp API Documentation v2.0.0
ScreenApp's API enables you to automatically transcribe, summarize, and analyze video and audio content. Perfect for businesses looking to process customer calls, training videos, and meeting recordings at scale.
Key Use Cases
- Automatic Transcription & Summarization: Convert any video or audio into searchable text and concise summaries. Ideal for customer service teams, educational institutions, and content creators.
- Knowledge Management: Build a searchable repository of video content with automatic transcripts, summaries, and AI-powered insights. Perfect for training materials and company knowledge bases.
- Real-time Processing: Receive transcripts and summaries via webhooks as soon as recordings are processed. Great for integrating with CRM systems and customer service platforms.
- Embedded Recording: Add professional-grade recording capabilities to your application with our embeddable recorder that handles both screen and audio capture.
Plan Requirements & API Access
To use the ScreenApp API, you'll need:
- An active Business plan subscription
- API credentials from your ScreenApp dashboard
Getting Your API Credentials
1. Log into your ScreenApp account
2. Navigate to Settings → Integration
3. Here you'll find your:
- API Token
- Team ID
Keep these credentials secure and never share them publicly.
Quick Start
Want to get started right away? Follow these steps to integrate ScreenApp into your website:
1. Install the Plugin
Add this code to your website's HTML:
<script charset="UTF-8" type="text/javascript" src="https://screenapp.io/app/plugin.js"> </script> <script> function callback({ id, url }) { // When the recording ends, you'll get: // - id: unique identifier for the recording // - url: direct access URL for the recording } function loadScreenApp() { const screenApp = new window.ScreenApp('YOUR_PLUGIN_TOKEN', callback); screenApp.mount("#screenapp-plugin"); } </script> <div id="screenapp-plugin"></div>
2. Add the Trigger Button
Add a button or trigger element to your page:
<button onclick="loadScreenApp()">Start Recording</button>
3. Configure the Callback
Customize the callback function to handle recording completion:
function callback({ id, url }) { // Example: Send to your backend fetch('/api/recordings', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ recordingId: id, recordingUrl: url }) }); // Example: Update UI document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = `Recording saved! View it at ${url}`; }
All API requests require authentication. ScreenApp uses token-based authentication along with team-specific identifiers.
Credentials You'll Need
- API Token: Your secret API key
- Team ID: Your unique team identifier
Authentication Example
curl -X POST "https://api.screenapp.io/v2/files/upload" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN" \ -H "X-Team-ID: YOUR_TEAM_ID"
Authentication Endpoints
GET /auth/google
Redirect to Google for authentication
Query Parameters:
- Encoded URL to redirect the user after successful authenticationreferrerUrl
- Encoded Referrer URLintent
- Intent for the user (e.g., "signup")
GET /auth/facebook
Redirect to Facebook for authentication
Query Parameters:
- Encoded URL to redirect the user after successful authenticationreferrerUrl
- Encoded Referrer URLintent
- Intent for the user (e.g., "signup")
Core Concepts
Before diving into specific endpoints, let's understand the key concepts in ScreenApp:
- Recordings: Video and audio captures that can be uploaded and processed
- Teams: Groups that can share and manage recordings
- Webhooks: Real-time notifications for recording events and processing results
- Tags: Metadata that can be attached to recordings, teams, or user profiles
API Reference
Team Management
POST /team/{teamId}/tag
Add tag to team
Path Parameters:
- ID of the team
Request Body:
{ "key": "color", "value": "red" }
DELETE /team/{teamId}/tag
Remove tag from team
Path Parameters:
- ID of the team
Request Body:
{ "key": "color" }
Team Webhook Integration
POST /team/{teamId}/integrations/webhook
Register a new webhook URL for the team
Path Parameters:
- ID of the team
Request Body:
{ "url": "https://example.com/webhook", "name": "My Webhook" }
- Webhook registered successfully400
- Invalid request body500
- Internal server error
DELETE /team/{teamId}/integrations/webhook
Unregister a webhook URL for the team
Path Parameters:
- ID of the team
Query Parameters:
- The webhook URL to unregister
- Webhook unregistered successfully400
- Invalid request404
- Webhook URL not found500
- Internal server error
GET /team/{teamId}/integrations/zapier/sample/list
Get sample data for Zapier as an array
Path Parameters:
- ID of the team
- Sample data retrieved successfully404
- Sample file not found
User Integrations
POST /integrations/webhook
Register a new webhook for the user
Request Body:
{ "url": "https://example.com/webhook", "name": "My Webhook" }
- Webhook registered successfully400
- Invalid request body
DELETE /integrations/webhook
Unregister a webhook for the user
Query Parameters:
- The webhook URL to unregister
- Webhook unregistered successfully400
- Invalid request404
- Webhook URL not found
Webhook Events
Your webhook endpoint will receive events in this format:
{ "event": "recording.completed", "fileId": "file789", "teamId": "team123", "data": { "url": "https://screenapp.io/recording/file789", "duration": 300, "status": "processed" } }
Common events include:
File Management
POST /files/{fileId}/tag
Add tag to file
Path Parameters:
- ID of the file
Request Body:
{ "key": "color", "value": "red" }
DELETE /files/{fileId}/tag
Remove tag from file
Path Parameters:
- ID of the file
Request Body:
{ "key": "color" }
POST /files/{fileId}/ask/multimodal
Ask a question about a file using multiple AI models
Path Parameters:
- ID of the file to analyze
Request Body:
{ "promptText": "What are the key points discussed?", "mediaAnalysisOptions": { "transcript": { "segments": [ { "start": 0, "end": 120 } ] }, "video": { "segments": [ { "start": 0, "end": 120 } ] }, "screenshots": { "timestamps": [ 30, 60, 90 ] } } }
- Successfully processed the question403
- AI usage limit exceeded500
- Server error
File Upload
POST /files/upload/{teamId}/{folderId}/url
Generate pre-signed URLs for file uploads
Path Parameters:
- ID of the teamfolderId
- ID of the folder
Request Body:
{ "files": [ { "contentType": "video/mp4", "name": "meeting-recording.mp4" } ] }
- Upload URLs generated successfully400
- Invalid request parameters500
- Server error
POST /files/upload/{teamId}/{folderId}/finalize
Finalize uploaded files
Path Parameters:
- ID of the teamfolderId
- ID of the folder
Request Body:
{ "file": { "fileId": "file123", "contentType": "video/mp4", "name": "Sales Call", "description": "Weekly sales call with customer", "recorderName": "John Doe", "recorderEmail": "john.doe@example.com" } }
- File upload finalized successfully400
- Invalid request parameters403
- Upload limit exceeded500
- Server error
Multipart Upload (for large files)
PUT /files/upload/multipart/init/{teamId}/{folderId}
Initialize a multipart upload for a large file
Path Parameters:
- ID of the teamfolderId
- ID of the folder
Request Body:
{ "contentType": "video/mp4" }
- Upload initialized successfully400
- Invalid request parameters500
- Server error
Response Example:
{ "success": true, "data": { "fileId": "file789", "uploadId": "upload123" } }
PUT /files/upload/multipart/url/{teamId}/{folderId}/{fileId}/{uploadId}/{partNumber}
Get upload URL for a specific part
Path Parameters:
- ID of the teamfolderId
- ID of the folderfileId
- ID of the file being uploadeduploadId
- ID of the multipart upload sessionpartNumber
- Part number (1-10000)
Request Body:
{ "contentType": "video/mp4" }
- Upload URL generated successfully400
- Invalid request parameters500
- Server error
Response Example:
{ "success": true, "data": { "uploadUrl": "https://presigned-s3-url.com/part1" } }
PUT /files/upload/multipart/finalize/{teamId}/{folderId}/{fileId}/{uploadId}
Finalize a multipart upload
Path Parameters:
- ID of the teamfolderId
- ID of the folderfileId
- ID of the file being uploadeduploadId
- ID of the multipart upload session
Request Body:
{ "file": { "contentType": "video/mp4", "recorderName": "John Doe", "recorderEmail": "john@example.com", "name": "My Recording", "description": "A recorded video session", "notes": [ { "text": "Important point discussed", "timestamp": 1234567890 } ] } }
- Upload finalized successfully400
- Invalid request parameters404
- Active upload not found500
- Server error
PUT /files/upload/multipart/fallback/{teamId}/{folderId}/{fileId}/{partNumber}
Upload file part via backend (fallback)
Path Parameters:
- ID of the teamfolderId
- ID of the folderfileId
- ID of the file being uploadedpartNumber
- Part number (1-10000)
Form Data:
- The file part to uploadcontentType
- MIME type of the file being uploaded
- Part uploaded successfully400
- Invalid request parameters500
- Server error
Account Management
POST /v2/account/tag
Add a tag to the authenticated user
Request Body:
{ "key": "color", "value": "red" }
- Tag added successfully400
- Invalid request parameters
PUT /account/profile
Update the authenticated user's profile
Request Body:
{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "name": "John Doe", "gender": "male", "userType": "user", "company": "Acme Inc", "role": "Developer", "goals": "Learn new technologies", "phoneNumber": "+1234567890", "location": "San Francisco, CA", "website": "https://example.com", "picture": "https://example.com/avatar.jpg", "provider": "local", "providerId": "12345", "primaryField": "development" }
- Profile updated successfully400
- Invalid request parameters
Advanced Features
AI Analysis
Use AI to analyze your recordings for insights:
// Request AI analysis of a recording const analysis = await fetch(`/v2/files/${fileId}/ask/multimodal`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ promptText: "What are the key discussion points?", mediaAnalysisOptions: { transcript: { segments: [{ start: 0, end: 300 }] }, video: { segments: [{ start: 0, end: 300 }] } } }) });
Batch Operations
Efficiently manage multiple recordings:
// Tag multiple recordings async function batchTag(fileIds, tag) { const promises = fileIds.map(fileId => fetch(`/v2/files/${fileId}/tag`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(tag) }) ); await Promise.all(promises); }
Error Handling
Common Error Codes
: Invalid request parameters403
: AI usage limit exceeded or unauthorized access404
: Resource not found500
: Server error
Error Response Format
Error responses typically follow this format:
{ "success": false, "message": "Detailed error message" }
Implementation Examples
Setting Up Team Webhooks
Webhooks allow you to receive real-time updates when recordings are processed:
// Register a new webhook for your team async function registerTeamWebhook(teamId, webhookUrl, webhookName) { const response = await fetch(`/v2/team/${teamId}/integrations/webhook`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: webhookUrl, name: webhookName }) }); return await response.json(); } // Example usage const result = await registerTeamWebhook( 'team123', 'https://your-domain.com/webhooks/screenapp', 'Recording Updates' );
Uploading and Processing a Large File
For files larger than 100MB, use the multipart upload flow:
// 1. Initialize upload const initResponse = await fetch(`/v2/files/upload/multipart/init/${teamId}/${folderId}`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ contentType: 'video/mp4' }) }); const { data: { fileId, uploadId } } = await initResponse.json(); // 2. Split file into chunks and upload each part const CHUNK_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB chunks const totalParts = Math.ceil(file.size / CHUNK_SIZE); for (let partNumber = 1; partNumber <= totalParts; partNumber++) { // Get upload URL for this part const urlResponse = await fetch( `/v2/files/upload/multipart/url/${teamId}/${folderId}/${fileId}/${uploadId}/${partNumber}`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ contentType: 'video/mp4' }) } ); const { data: { uploadUrl } } = await urlResponse.json(); // Create the chunk from the file const start = (partNumber - 1) * CHUNK_SIZE; const end = Math.min(start + CHUNK_SIZE, file.size); const chunk = file.slice(start, end); // Upload the chunk directly to S3 await fetch(uploadUrl, { method: 'PUT', body: chunk, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'video/mp4' } }); } // 3. Finalize the upload const finalizeResponse = await fetch( `/v2/files/upload/multipart/finalize/${teamId}/${folderId}/${fileId}/${uploadId}`, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ file: { contentType: 'video/mp4', name: 'Customer Meeting Recording', description: 'Quarterly review with client', recorderName: 'Jane Smith', recorderEmail: 'jane@example.com' } }) } );Get API Credentials in Dashboard →
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