Top 10 Meeting Minute Templates

Ditch the meeting mayhem and unleash the power of organization! Meeting minutes are your key to focused discussions, clear decisions, and seamless follow-through. If you're ready to transform your meetings from time-wasters to action-generators, you're in the right place.

Written by
Andre Smith
Updated On
July 5, 2024


Do your meetings feel like a black hole for time and productivity? You spend an hour discussing things, but afterward, no one remembers the key decisions or action items. Sound familiar?

This is a common problem, but it doesn't have to be this way. Well-crafted meeting minutes are the secret weapon for keeping your meetings focused, organized, and productive. They provide a clear record of what was discussed, what decisions were made, and who is responsible for what. In short, they ensure everyone is on the same page and moving forward.

But let's be honest, taking detailed minutes during a meeting can be a challenge. That's where meeting minute templates come in. These pre-formatted documents provide a structured framework for capturing all the essential information. With a template in hand, minute-taking becomes a breeze, and you can focus on keeping the meeting on track.

What Makes a Great Meeting Minutes Template

Not all meeting minutes templates are created equal. The best ones include certain essential components to ensure they capture everything important and aid in post-meeting follow-through. Here's what you need:

  • Date, Time, and Location: This records the context of the meeting, especially when looking back over time.
  • Attendees/Absentees: Establishes who was present for decision-making and who might need to be updated separately.
  • Agenda Topics: Provides a structure for the meeting and helps track where things went off-track (if it did).
  • Key Discussion Points: A summary of the main points covered under each agenda item.
  • Decisions Made: The most crucial section! Clearly outline the decisions reached during the meeting.
  • Action Items (with owners and deadlines): This is where you turn decisions into actionable steps. Each step needs an assigned owner and a deadline for completion.
  • Notes Section: A space for any additional observations, questions raised, or points to be revisited later.

Remember, a great template makes taking minutes easy and ensures you capture the information needed to transform your meetings into productive powerhouses!

Top 10 Meeting Minutes Templates

Template #1: The 'Classic'


  • Well-suited for routine meetings with a clear structure.
  • Ideal when the key priority is capturing decisions and assigning tasks.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical room, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present.
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Agenda: A pre-circulated list of topics for discussion.
  • [Agenda Item 1], [Agenda Item 2]...: Individual discussion points.
  • Notes: Key takeaways, decisions made, or points requiring more investigation.
  • Action Items: Specific tasks arising from the meeting.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.

How to Use It

  1. Customize: Consider if you need additional sections based on your typical meeting needs.
  2. Prep: Complete the fields prior to the meeting. Circulate the agenda in advance.
  3. During the Meeting: Take notes, record decisions, and clearly define action items.
  4. After the Meeting: Distribute the updated template as meeting minutes.


  • Date: March 21st, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PST
  • Location: Conference Room B
  • Attendees: Jane Smith, John Doe, Sarah Anderson
  • Absentees:
  • Agenda:
    • Project Status Update
    • Budget Review
  • Notes:
    • Project on schedule, some minor delays in procurement
    • Budget needs close monitoring for next quarter
  • Action Items:
    • Get supplier quotes for delayed items - (John Doe) - (March 24th)
    • Prepare detailed budget analysis - (Sarah Anderson) - (March 28th)

Template #2: The 'Decision-Focused'


  • Designed for meetings where the primary goal is to reach clear decisions.
  • Prioritizes tracking the reasoning behind decisions for future reference.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical room, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present.
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Decisions Made:
    • [Decision 1] - (Rationale): State the decision, followed by a brief explanation of the reasons behind it.
    • [Decision 2] - (Rationale): Same format as above.
  • Action Items: Specific tasks arising from the decisions made.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.
  • Next Steps: Broader actions or items needed to move forward (not necessarily tied to a specific person/deadline).

How to Use It

  1. Prep: Have a clear understanding of the decisions that need to be made beforehand.
  2. During the Meeting: Frame discussions around the choices at hand. Capture the decisions and the key reasons that led to them.
  3. Distribute: Circulate the template as meeting minutes to ensure clarity and alignment.


  • Date: March 23rd, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PST
  • Location: Zoom Meeting (link)
  • Attendees: Peter Johnson, Lisa Williams, Ben Harris
  • Absentees: None
  • Decisions Made:
    • Launch product on April 15th - (Rationale): Market research is positive, the date allows for final QA
    • Allocate additional $5K marketing budget - (Rationale): Need to reach a wider audience for launch success
  • Action Items:
    • Finalize launch materials - (Lisa Williams) - (April 10th)
    • Develop ad campaign plan - (Ben Harris) - (April 5th)
  • Next Steps:
    • Secure media placements
    • Review launch-day logistics

Template #3: The 'Project Management'


  • Designed specifically for project-focused meetings.
  • Tracks tasks, identifies problems, and streamlines project execution.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical room, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present.
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Project: Name of the project.
  • Phase: Current phase of the project (e.g., Planning, Development, etc.).
  • Agenda: A list of topics for discussion – can be left open or pre-populated.
  • Updates on Tasks: Progress on current tasks, including completed items and any changes to the timeline.
  • Issues or Blockers: Challenges or obstacles hindering project progress.
  • Action Items: Specific tasks arising from the meeting to address blockers or advance tasks.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.
  • Next Meeting: Date, time, and location (if set) of the next project meeting.

How to Use It

  1. Prep: Before the meeting, have project team members provide updates on their tasks.
  2. Facilitate: During the meeting, focus on task updates, identifying issues, and determining action items to resolve them.
  3. Wrap-up: Before adjourning, schedule the next follow-up meeting.


  • Date: March 22nd, 2024
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
  • Location: Conference Room A
  • Attendees: Sarah Lee, Mark Evans, Emily Chen
  • Absentees: None
  • Project: Website Redesign
  • Phase: Development
  • Agenda:
    • Coding progress
    • Content updates
  • Updates on Tasks:
    • Homepage wireframe complete
    • Product page design in progress, delayed by 2 days
  • Issues or Blockers:
    • Need final sign-off on content for "About Us" page
  • Action Items:
    • Schedule content review with stakeholders - (Sarah Lee) - (March 23rd)
  • Next Meeting: March 29th, 2024, 2:00 PM PST, Conference Room A

Template #4: The 'Committee Meeting'


  • Provides a formal structure for committee meetings.
  • Ensures accurate documentation of motions, votes, and resulting actions.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical room, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present.
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Call to Order: Time the meeting was officially started.
  • Approval of Previous Minutes: Formal approval (or amendment) of minutes from the previous meeting.
  • Motions:
    • Motion: (Description): Brief statement of the proposed action.
    • Motion By: Name of the member who put forth the motion.
    • Seconded By: Name of the member who supports the motion.
    • Result (Carried/Defeated): Outcome of the vote on the motion.
  • Action Items: Specific tasks arising from the meeting.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.
  • Adjournment: Time the meeting was officially ended.

How to Use It

  1. Prep: Include known motions in the distributed agenda beforehand.
  2. During the Meeting:
    • Record the time the meeting is called to order.
    • Accurately capture all motions, who proposed and seconded them, and voting outcomes.
  3. Distribute: The minutes from this template serve as the formal record of the meeting.


  • Date: March 20th, 2024
  • Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PST
  • Location: City Hall, Council Chambers
  • Attendees: Mayor Johnson, Councilmember Harris, Councilmember Chen...
  • Absentees: None
  • Call to Order: 6:05 PM
  • Approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes approved as written
  • Motions:
    • Motion: Allocate $20,000 for park renovations (Description)
    • Motion By: Councilmember Harris
    • Seconded By: Councilmember Lee
    • Result (Carried)
  • Action Items:
    • Develop renovation plan - (Parks & Recreation Dept) - (April 15th)
  • Adjournment: 7:32 PM

Important Note: Committee meetings often have specific rules outlined in bylaws or parliamentary procedures. This template is a starting point, and adjustments might be needed to align with those rules.

Template #5: The 'Sprint Review'


  • Designed for teams using Scrum or other agile methodologies.
  • Provides a structured review of what was accomplished during a sprint, what's ongoing, and improvements for the future.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical room, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present (Product Owner, Scrum Master, development team members, stakeholders).
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Sprint: [Sprint number]: Identify the specific sprint being reviewed.
  • Completed Work: List and demonstrate (if possible) work items finished during the sprint.
  • Work In Progress: Tasks started but not yet complete.
  • Blockers: Obstacles or challenges that impeded progress during the sprint.
  • Retrospective:
    • What went well? Positive aspects of the sprint.
    • What can be improved? Areas for optimization in future sprints.
  • Action Items: Specific changes or tasks to implement based on the retrospective.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.

How to Use It:

  1. Prep: The Product Owner should prepare a list of completed work and work in progress. Team members should consider blockers and retrospective points.
  2. The Meeting: Follow the template, ensuring stakeholders have a chance to see completed work. Focus the retrospective on actionable improvements.
  3. Action: Circulate the template with action items so everyone is clear on the steps to take for the next sprint.


  • Date: March 25th, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
  • Location: Zoom (link)
  • Attendees: Sarah (Product Owner), Mark (Scrum Master), Dev team, Jane (Stakeholder)
  • Absentees: None
  • Sprint: Sprint 3
  • Completed Work:
    • New user registration feature
    • Product search functionality
  • Work in Progress:
    • Shopping cart integration
  • Blockers:
    • Delay in receiving API access for payment gateway
  • Retrospective:
    • What went well? Clear user stories, good team communication
    • What can be improved? Need earlier testing involvement
  • Action Items:
    • Schedule testing integration meeting - (Mark) - (March 27th)

Template #6: The 'Brainstorming Session'


  • Designed for meetings focused on generating creative ideas and solutions.
  • Encourages open discussion and builds upon the ideas of others.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical room, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present.
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Topic: The specific problem, question, or opportunity the brainstorming session is addressing.
  • Ideas Generated: Unfiltered list of all ideas suggested during the session.
  • Themes & Categories: As ideas are generated, identify common themes or group similar ideas together.
  • Action Items: Specific steps to evaluate, refine, or implement the most promising ideas.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.

How to Use It

  1. Prep: Clearly define the focus of the brainstorming session. Consider using warm-up exercises to spark creativity.
  2. The Session:
    • Encourage a free flow of ideas. Record everything, no matter how outlandish it may initially seem.
    • Start grouping ideas and identifying patterns after the initial round of brainstorming.
  3. Next Steps:
    • Assign action items for further investigation or development of the most promising ideas.


  • Date: March 23rd, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM PST
  • Location: Meeting Room 3
  • Attendees: Marketing Team, Graphic Designer
  • Absentees: None
  • Topic: New social media campaign ideas
  • Ideas Generated:
    • Run a user-generated content contest
    • Partner with micro-influencers
    • Short, humorous video series (And many more!)
  • Themes & Categories:
    • User Engagement
    • Brand Awareness
  • Action Items:
    • Develop contest rules and prize structure - (Emily) - (March 27th)
    • Research relevant micro-influencers in our niche - (John) - (March 28th)

Important: Brainstorming works best in a judgment-free environment. Encourage wild ideas and build upon the suggestions of others!

Template #7: The 'Client Meeting'


  • Provides a structured framework for client meetings.
  • Tracks key discussion points, client input, and next steps.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (physical location, video conference link, etc.).
  • Attendees: List of people present (your team members and the client's representatives).
  • Absentees: List of people expected but not present.
  • Client: Name of the client organization.
  • Project: Name of the project you are working on.
  • Discussion Points: Key items that were discussed during the meeting.
  • Client Feedback: Include client comments, concerns, and requests.
  • Action Items: Specific tasks or follow-ups based on the meeting discussion
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task (from your team or the client's).
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.

How to Use It

  1. Prep: Prepare an agenda that aligns with your project's current status and any questions you have for the client.
  2. During the Meeting: Take clear notes, particularly capturing client feedback and decisions.
  3. Follow-Up: Distribute the meeting minutes and action items to all attendees, ensuring both you and the client are aligned.


  • Date: March 28th, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
  • Location: Zoom Meeting (link)
  • Attendees: Sarah Lee (Project Manager), John Smith (Designer), Emily Baker (client), Tom Wilson (client)
  • Absentees: None
  • Client: Acme Corporation
  • Project: Website Redesign
  • Discussion Points:
    • Review of homepage mockups
    • Timeline updates
  • Client Feedback:
    • Positive response to overall design
    • Request changes to "Services" section wording
  • Action Items:
    • Update homepage mockups based on feedback - (John Smith) - (March 30th)
    • Client to provide revised "Services" copy - (Emily Baker) - (March 29th)

Template #8: The 'One-on-One'


  • Facilitates regular, focused conversations between managers and their team members.
  • Provides a space for performance feedback, goal-setting, and professional development discussions.


  • Date: Record the meeting date.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times.
  • Location: Where the meeting is held (office, video call, etc.).
  • Employee: The name of the employee.
  • Manager: The name of the manager.
  • Topics Discussed: Key points of the conversation.
  • Feedback:
    • From manager to employee: Performance observations, constructive points, areas for improvement.
    • From employee to manager: Challenges, support needs, suggestions.
  • Action Items: Specific tasks, next steps, or follow-up items.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible (either employee or manager).
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.

How to Use It

  1. Prep (both parties): Both the manager and employee should come with topics or points they want to discuss.
  2. Keep it Consistent: Regular one-on-ones are most effective.
  3. Document: Capture the discussion and action items. This serves as a reference point for future meetings.


  • Date: March 21st, 2024
  • Time: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM PST
  • Location: Lisa's Office
  • Employee: Mark Johnson
  • Manager: Lisa Williams
  • Topics Discussed:
    • Progress on current project
    • Mark's interest in developing leadership skills
  • Feedback:
    • Manager to Employee: Strong work on the project, positive client response. Suggests proactive communication on timeline changes.
    • Employee to Manager: Seeks opportunities to mentor junior team members.
  • Action Items:
    • Lisa to identify a mentorship match for Mark - (Lisa Williams) - (April 4th)

Important Note: One-on-ones should build trust. While they include performance discussions, they're also a space for employees to get support and discuss their career development openly.

Template #9: The 'Webinar Minutes'


  • Provides a record of webinars, especially those with valuable takeaways or for internal training purposes.
  • Captures audience Q&A to help with content creation or addressing audience concerns.


  • Date: Date of the webinar.
  • Time: Start and end times of the webinar.
  • Topic: The focus of the webinar.
  • Speakers: Names and (if applicable) titles of the presenters.
  • Attendees (Approx. number): An estimate of the audience size.
  • Key Points: Main takeaways and insights from the presentation.
  • Questions & Answers: Relevant questions asked by attendees and the answers provided by the speakers.
  • Action Items: Follow-up tasks or ideas inspired by the webinar.
    • [Action Item]: Brief description of the task.
    • (Owner): Name of the person responsible for completing the task.
    • (Deadline): Date the task should be completed by.

How to Use It

  1. Designate a Note-Taker: Have someone assigned to take notes during the webinar.
  2. Distribute Circulate the minutes to the team or as an attendee follow-up with a link to the recording (if available).
  3. Action Items: Ensure action items are assigned for extracting value from the webinar content.


  • Date: March 23rd, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
  • Topic: "Boost Your Email Marketing: Strategies for Higher Open Rates"
  • Speakers: Jane Smith, Email Marketing Expert
  • Attendees (Approx. number): 120
  • Key Points:
    • Importance of clear subject lines
    • Personalization techniques
    • A/B testing strategies
  • Questions & Answers
    • Q: "Best tools for email automation?" A: Jane recommended MailChimp, Constant Contact...
    • Q: "How to handle low open rates?" A: Segment audience, test send times...
  • Action Items:
    • Review our current subject line templates - (Sarah) - (March 27th)

Template #10: The 'Informal Meeting Notes'


  • Captures essential elements of a casual discussion without being overly structured.
  • Suitable for quick check-ins or impromptu meetings.


  • Date: Date of the meeting.
  • Time: Meeting start and end times (if relevant).
  • Topic: The general focus of the discussion.
  • Attendees: List of the people who were in the meeting.
  • Key Points:
    • [Point 1]
    • [Point 2]
    • (And so on...)
  • Discussion Summary: A very short recap of the main topics covered.
  • Action Items:
    • [Action item] - (Owner) - (Deadline) Include only immediately actionable tasks that arise from the discussion.

How to Use It

  1. Keep it Brief: Focus on the most important decisions or outcomes.
  2. Clarity: Ensure notes are legible and can be understood later.
  3. Action Items: Include any crucial next steps that came out of the discussion.


  • Date: March 20th, 2024
  • Time: 2:15 PM - 2:35 PM PST
  • Topic: Project update and launch timeline
  • Attendees: Peter, Emily
  • Key Points:
    • Development on track
    • Need updated assets from the marketing team
  • Discussion Summary: Quick sync on project status, identified a potential delay due to missing assets.
  • Action Items:
    • Emily to follow up with marketing for asset ETA - (Emily) - (March 21st)

Bonus Tips for Effective Meeting Minutes

Choosing a great template is a fantastic first step, but there are more things you can do to ensure your minutes drive real results. Here are a few bonus tips:

  • Assign a dedicated note-taker: Rotating this responsibility helps ensure accuracy and buy-in from the whole team.
  • Send minutes promptly after the meeting: While the discussion is fresh, promptly distribute the minutes to ensure everyone gets on the same page quickly.
  • Begin the next meeting by reviewing the previous action items: Keep those action items front and center to maintain accountability and momentum.
  • Store minutes centrally: Have a shared folder or system where everyone can access minutes from past meetings easily.

Pro Tip: If a decision needs further discussion or approval from people outside the meeting, make that clear in your minutes for efficient follow-up.


Meeting minutes might seem like a small detail, but they have a huge impact on your team's productivity and success. By using well-designed templates, you'll save time, improve clarity for everyone involved, and boost accountability for action items.  The result?  Meetings that actually move projects forward and achieve goals.

Ready to revolutionize your meetings? Browse the templates we've outlined, choose one that fits your needs, and get started! You'll be amazed at how quickly you see positive results.

ScreenApp effortlessly captures your screen recordings and leverages AI to transcribe, summarize and take notes of your videos and audio, making it simple to share insights with your team, clients, and prospects.

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