Video Summarizer

Transform any video into an accurate text summary in seconds with AI-powered technology

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Generate AI Summary
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Loved by over 1 million users
  • Instant text summaries
  • Multi-platform support
  • Enterprise-grade accuracy

Trusted and Supported by businesses across the world

How to Summarize Video to Text

1. Sign Up for a Free ScreenApp Account

2. Import by Clicking "Upload", "Import URL" or "New Recording"

Supported Files include mp4, mov, mkv, YouTube, Vimeo and Twitter as well as Screen Recordings and Audio Recordings

Upload any video

3. Generate AI Summary

  1. Once the file is uploaded, the AI will automatically generate a summary.
  2. The summary will include detailed timestamped chapters and notes of the video.
A transcript will be automatically generated

4. Read or Export Your Summary

  1. After the summary is generated, you can read it directly on the platform.
  2. Export the summary with the video or as a separate document (Word, text, PDF) for offline reference.
  3. Share your summary with colleagues, clients, or the world.
Your video summary can be read, shared or downloaded


Benefits of AI Video Summarizer

Our advanced AI video summarizer helps you extract key information from any video content without watching the entire footage. Perfect for researchers, content creators, and business professionals who need to process large volumes of video content efficiently.

Key advantages:

  • Reduces hours of video watching into minutes of reading
  • Maintains context and key points with 98% accuracy
  • Supports multiple video platforms including YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook
  • Enables quick content analysis and decision-making
  • Integrates seamlessly with existing workflows

ScreenApp's AI Video Summarizer FAQ

Can I use the video summarizer for YouTube content?

Yes, our YouTube video summarizer AI supports all public YouTube videos, including long-form content and live streams.

Is there a free video summarizer option available?

We offer a video summarizer AI free trial that includes 5 summaries to test our service.

Does it work with social media videos?

Yes, our tool works as an Instagram video summarizer, Facebook video summarizer, and supports all major social platforms.

How accurate is the AI video summary?

Our video summary AI provides enterprise-grade accuracy, typically achieving 95%+ accuracy for clear audio content.

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