AI Meeting Notetaker

Meetings on autopilot: AI captures everything, you remember the big picture.

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Loved by 649,000 users
  • Record any meeting
  • Transcribe meetings with AI
  • Works on Teams, Meet, & Zoom
AI Meeting Notetaker

Trusted and Supported by businesses across the world

How to Use AI Meeting Notetaker

  1. Start Recording: Launch ScreenApp and hit "New Recording." It seamlessly integrates with Zoom, Meet, and other platforms, or upload pre-recorded videos/audio.
  2. AI Does the Heavy Lifting: Sit back and let the magic happen. ScreenApp's AI transcribes your meeting in real-time, highlighting key points, decisions, and action items. No more frantic note-taking!
  3. Review and Refine: Once the meeting's over, dive into the AI-generated transcript. Edit notes, add your own insights, and prioritize action items.
  4. Share and Collaborate: Share your notes instantly with colleagues, assign tasks, and track progress. ScreenApp makes collaboration a breeze, no matter where your team is.
  5. Go Beyond Notes: ScreenApp's AI analyzes your meetings, providing insights you might have missed. Identify recurring themes, track speaker participation, and even gauge sentiment.

Bonus Tip: Use ScreenApp's search function to find specific points or keywords later, making your notes a powerful reference tool.

Ready to ditch the pen and paper and embrace smarter meetings? Sign up for ScreenApp's free trial and experience the future of note-taking!

Benefits of AI Meeting Notetaker

Stop drowning in notes and start mastering your meetings. ScreenApp's AI notetaker isn't just a fancy transcription service – it's your personal productivity powerhouse, designed to transform how you meet and work.

Here's how you win with ScreenApp's AI on your side:

1. Effortless Focus:

  • Ditch the note-taking frenzy! AI automatically captures every word, freeing your mind to fully engage and absorb key points.
  • No more frantic scribbling or missed details. AI accurately transcribes audio and video, so you never miss a beat.
  • Focus on the bigger picture. Leave the nitty-gritty to AI and participate actively without worrying about note-taking fatigue.

2. Sharper Insights & Action:

  • AI identifies key moments and action items. Get a clear picture of what matters most, not just a word-by-word dump.
  • Smarter summaries and highlights. Quickly grasp the essence of any discussion, even hours later.
  • Effortless follow-up and task management. Turn key points into actionable tasks and assign them instantly.

3. Boost Collaboration & Efficiency:

  • Share notes seamlessly with your team. Everyone gets the same accurate record, no matter where they are.
  • Search and reference notes instantly. Find what you need with a simple keyword search, ditch the paper shuffle.
  • Say goodbye to meeting FOMO. Review recordings and notes later, ensuring everyone's on the same page.

4. Level Up Your Workflow:

  • Integrate with your favorite tools. ScreenApp plays nicely with Slack, Asana, and more, streamlining your workflow.
  • Customize your note-taking experience. Choose your preferred format, highlight styles, and more.
  • Become a meeting master. Impress colleagues with your laser focus and actionable insights.

Who is AI Meeting Notetaker for?

Tired of feeling like you're drowning in meetings and notes? ScreenApp's AI notetaker isn't just for anyone – it's a lifesaver for busy professionals juggling meetings, deadlines, and the struggle to remember every crucial detail.

Here's how ScreenApp can supercharge your workflow:

For the Multitasker:

Juggling calls, emails, and presentations? ScreenApp captures every word, even when you can't.Forget frantic note-taking: Focus on the discussion and let AI handle the heavy lifting.Never miss an action item: AI highlights key decisions and assigns tasks, keeping everyone on the same page.** For the Productivity Powerhouse:**

Stop wasting time on tedious transcriptions. ScreenApp delivers smart summaries and searchable transcripts instantly.Streamline collaboration: Share notes, assign tasks, and track progress effortlessly across teams.Say goodbye to information overload: AI organizes your meetings into a central knowledge base, easily accessible anytime, anywhere.

For the Remote Rockstar:

Bridge the distance: Capture insights and share notes seamlessly across teams and time zones.Feel like you're in the room: AI personalizes speaker identification, making it easy to follow remote conversations.Boost accessibility: Provide accurate subtitles and transcripts for hearing-impaired colleagues or non-native speakers.✨

And for Everyone Else:

Students: Capture lectures, highlight key points, and ace your exams.Researchers: Analyze interviews, experiments, and other data with ease.Project managers: Keep track of decisions, deadlines, and team progress.Content creators: Generate ideas, record brainstorming sessions, and streamline your creative process.ScreenApp's AI notetaker isn't just a tool, it's a productivity partner. Whether you're drowning in meetings, striving for peak efficiency, or simply want to remember every important detail, ScreenApp has your back.

ScreenApp's AI Meeting Notetaker FAQ

Q: Is there an AI that can take meeting notes?

A: Yes! ScreenApp's AI Notetaker does exactly that. It automatically transcribes your meetings, identifies key points and action items, and generates a summary of the discussion, all in real-time.

Q: How does ScreenApp's AI Notetaker work?

A: It's simple! Just start a meeting recording in ScreenApp, and the AI will do the rest. It uses advanced natural language processing to understand the conversation and create accurate notes.

Q: Can I use ScreenApp's AI Notetaker with my favorite meeting platforms?

A: Yes! ScreenApp integrates seamlessly with popular platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Q: Is there an AI that organizes notes?

A: Yes! ScreenApp's AI Notetaker automatically categorizes and tags your notes, making them easy to find and reference later.

Q: Can I use AI to write meeting minutes?

A: Absolutely! ScreenApp's AI Notetaker can generate detailed meeting minutes, complete with action items and timestamps.

Q: What is the AI that summarizes meetings?

A: ScreenApp's AI Notetaker includes a powerful summarization feature that highlights the most important points of your meeting.

Q: Is ScreenApp's AI Notetaker better than other AI notetaking tools?

A: We believe so! ScreenApp offers a unique combination of features, accuracy, and ease of use that sets it apart from the competition.

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